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Auburn Photo Survey updated
April 2022 copy

Conservation Report Auburn House 07.04.22 

Entry Comparisons
Auburn House 08.04.22 

Protection Plan Auburn House 01.03.22 

22176 Auburn House CGI's and Verified Views

22176 Auburn House Entrance Options

Auburn Arboricultural Report

Auburn Natura Impact Statement

Auburn Screening Report for Appropriate Assessment

Bat and Badger Assessment
Auburn Malahide 2022

Bat derogation application for Leisler's bat mating perch 2022
Auburn House Malahide WSI

DKP-M72-5100 ¦ 1P  
Auburn - Telecommunication signal interference report

​DKP-M72-6070 ¦ 2P  Auburn House - Airport Noise report

Invasive Species Report for Auburn SHD 2 Feb final report (4)

SES 01820 Rev K Auburn Malahide - Public Lighting Calculation Report - Kinwest Ltd

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